Sunday, October 11, 2009

Book Review: If your kid eats this book, everything will still be okay

If your kid eats this book, everything will stillbe okay by Lara Zibners, M.D.
How to know if your child's injury or illness is really an emergency!

Description: A list of various things that can happen to a child. Written in plain English (not just for doctors) it tells you if this is something you need to worry about or if you can chalk it up to being just normal kid stuff!

Thoughts: I really liked this book. It is one that I will keep on my shelf to look things up in for years to come. As a soon-to-be parent, it was a good start to finish read to tell me what I could be seeing coming in the future. But I would guess for most people the better goal with a book like this is to use it as more of a reference book. It has a handy index at the end that can keep you looking in the right direction.

I thought this was simple to read but didn't have the book treating like you knew nothing - but not getting overly complicated when it wasn't needed. Great for parents!

What genre would you consider this?


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