Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Perfect Wife

The Perfect Wife by Victoria Alexander

What was this book about?
Widow, Sabrina has spent the last years trying to fit in with the ton. She wants to make sure that her daughter will be accepted into their strict regulations of right and wrong. Hidden under her perfect exterior though is a woman with a history of being strong and doing what she has to do – for her daughter and herself. With her daughters impending nuptials she decides to return to her exciting life and partake of an adventure. What she doesn’t realize is the Earl of Wyldewood, Nicholas has found both her wild streak and her “perfection” attractive and isn’t going to let her go alone. Can they find the Egyptian treasure and love?

What was your favorite part about this book?
I like that Sabrina has spirit (and her daughter works on getting some). Life doesn’t always deal you roses and you have to do things you wouldn’t normally do in order to live. She is willing to do that, stand up for her rights. She has a temper but it isn’t taken to an extreme.

What was your least favorite part about this book?
I have found in the past that novels that are re-released from author’s early years (before they are popular) tend to not be as good as their current novels. I have to admit that this isn’t the case here, even though I was biased towards it at first.

What genre would you consider this?

If I was to nominate this book for an award it would be: Strongest Heroine (Who also is old enough to have a full-grown daughter)

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