Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Size 2 for Life

Size 2 for Life by Ashley Marriott and Marc L. Paulsen, MD
Description: Did you always want to be a size 2?Dr. Paulsen and Ashley Marriott describe the way you can be your natural size. From covering exercises to how to eat this book tells you what to do and how to do it.

It even includes recipes and a day by day plan for you to follow. This book will show you how to change your life.

I really enjoyed the exercise photos. They are clear and easy to follow. I wasn’t expecting it in this book.

For them this is much of a mental discovery as a physical one. So they make sure to charge you up mentally and then deal with things like diet, exercise, etc.

The recipes are great. For someone who wants everything in one book – this is the book that will fit your needs. No longer do you have to go out and buy a diet book, an exercise book, and a book to help you handle the mental hurdles.

What genre would you consider this?



Marie said...

Nice review. I have this book sitting in my ever-increasing-to-be-read pile of books. It's good to know that someone else enjoyed it. I'll have to get to it sooner rather than later, even though I'll never be size 2. ;)

Darlene said...

This sounds like something I could use although I don't want to ever get down to a size 2. I like when they make the exercises easy to follow though, most don't and it's impossible to figure out the right way to do it. Recipes--now you're talking. lol.

Luanne said...

Okay I think a size 2 is a physical impossibility for me, but I like the charging up mentally - I think that's half the battle!