Thursday, May 21, 2009

Book Feature: Cousin Kate

Author: Georgette Heyer
Publisher: Sourcebooks
Publication Date: Original 1968 - Republished 2009
Price $13.99
Pages: 272
Description: Kate is a poor relation - saved by her aunt to stay at a rich mansion - Staplewood. There is so much going on behind the scenes at such a place - intrigue and secrets. Kate starts to wonder if more is going on here then meets the eye. The only one who can tell her anything is her cousin Philip. Is he willing to tell the secrets he knows the answers too - if it means saving Kate?

1 comment:

Cath said...

My mom gave me, for Christmas, a HUGE stack of Heyer books and this is in the mix. I hadn't made it a priority but now I think I'll bump it up the list. Thanks for the review!